BANDUNG CITY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE PUBLIC SENIOR HIGHSCHOOL 3 BANDUNG Belitung Street Number 8. Distcrict of Sumur Bandung. Phone (022) 4235154 ____________________________________________ August 7th, 2017 Parents of Public Senior Highschool 3 Bandung Student Subject: An invitation for graduation event To all parents of the students As this letter come, we extend the invitation to all the students’ parents to attend the graduation event. The event will be held on 18 October 2017 at Grand Tjokro Hotel. The event will show performances from your children. We really hope your honorable presence. This event will be the most touching event for the students and also for you For more information you can contact 0857-9864-9162 Thank you fo your attention Your sincerely, Dr. Yeni Gantini, M.Pd